A band of warriors ( originally a unit of a Roman Legion). 一队士兵或武士(原来是古罗马军团的一个单位)。
The Roman Legion was the ultimate military formation of antiquity. 罗马的军团是古代异常强大的军事作战团队。
The commander of a century in the Roman army. Each legion contained between 3000 and 6000 soldiers. 百夫长古罗马军团的百人队指挥官每个古罗马军团有三千至六千名步兵。
Roman Legion is played by shooting arrows at encroaching enemies while moving left or right to avoid their attacks. 玩罗马兵团游戏的方法是:向入侵的敌人射箭,同时左右移动以躲避敌人的攻击。